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New Lab Participation

The NEDA project for Echocardiography Laboratories

Echocardiographic information is needed about the greatest number of individuals in any region with any mix of diagnosed or undiagnosed symptoms or conditions.


This will ensure variables are considered in the research and help us draw the most representative picture of patients facing pulmonary hypertension and its consequences. Your laboratory could be a valuable contributor to this major research project.

Measurements from appropriate echocardiograms are collected periodically via the transfer of backup copies of the echo database from each laboratory participating in the NEDA Project.  


We are not requesting extra information or procedures from laboratories. To work appropriately with your technology, we need to identify the type of echocardiography equipment and software your laboratory is using. Once your laboratory has consented to being part of the project, data collection activities can commence. Prospective data capture will comprise of periodic repeated uploads of the entire echo database. Only echo data collected since the last site database upload to NEDA.

The data capture tool only records certain echo measurements and does not capture images. This makes data simple and inexpensive to transfer to the secure NEDA database.

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Laboratory location (which will be converted to postcode only for regional demographic information)

  • Participant Referral reason (diagnosis under investigation)

  • All 2D, M-mode and Doppler measurements of the participant (which will include left heart and right heart assessment)

Patient participants will not be asked any project specific questions and none of the above data are collected beyond the standard echocardiogram examination.

The above activities will take no more time than the normal echocardiogram assessment and cause no additional administrative burden to echocardiogram technicians.

Low demands of time and technology

NEDA captures the following information for the research

Data that is transferred to the NEDA database will be sorted and linked to national mortality data. This will enable researchers to understand the risks of death associated with select echo measurements. No patient data is to be shared with any vendor, sponsor or for purposes outside the scope of the research.


Findings of research will be listed or published on this site and through other publications. Since no patient will be identified in the study analysis, specific feedback to patients or their doctors cannot be provided.

How the research data is used

Join this major international research study

Comprehensive information about the NEDA study is available for download in PDF format below.

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